WOHVn in Faith Catholic Community
ACC Parishes
Upcoming Events at Sacred Heart
Mark your calendars and practice your calls! - The Ladies Society annual quilt bingo will be held Sunday, September 22nd at 1:00 P.M. There will be two sets of 10 games $5/card for each set of 10 games! There will also be two additional games at $3/card for both games! *1st game $100 cash prize – 2nd game ‘hand-quilted’ quilt! Free lunch is served after the games and door prizes. **Sandwiches will be made after 8:30 A.M. mass on Sunday, September 22nd.**
Faith Formation – Faith Formation is just around the corner! If you are new to the area or have been involved with the program in the past, please contact Amanda Gjerde at the parish office (320-495-3324) and let her know that your children (preschool through high school) will be participating with us this year.
Confirmation Classes – Upcoming class dates: Sept. 18, Oct. 2 & 23, Nov. 6 & 20 and Dec. 11. September 18th class will be held at the Matt & Deb Novak home (8155 380th Ave, Hillman) and class will be centered on the parable of the vineyard. Please arrive by 7:15 p.m. and be prepared to be outside for part of the class. Should you have any questions, please contact Amanda Gjerde at 320-277-3595 or Fr. Jerry at 320-532-3122
2024 Fall Craft Sale – The Annual Sacred Heart Craft Sale will be held on Saturday, November 9th (opening weekend of Deer hunting) from 9 AM to 3 PM. If you, a friend or relative are interested in a table, call Mary Bannick, 320-676-1163.
Mass Intentions - Each liturgy has a special intention and this can vary from celebrating the Eucharist for all the parishioners of the cluster, to a special intention, or a special occasion like an anniversary, wedding, successful acceptance of employment, etc. These intentions can also be in memory of someone deceased, or in thanksgiving for various blessings from God. Requests and $10 donation can be placed in the collection basket or at parish office.